In the past few years, Connecticut Department of Transportation partnered with the Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC) at the University of Connecticut to develop a data-driven roadway safety management system for the state. The system, developed under a $10-million 5-year project, is a customized web-based application that implements the best practices in the Highway Safety Manual. The developed system has attracted much attention nationwide. The project won the ATSIP Best Practice at the 2019 Traffic Records Forum. As the crash data and roadway inventory data becoming more standardized with MMUCC 5 and MIRE 2.0, and more states becoming interested in developing their own roadway safety management tools, there is an urgent need to share the products of the Connecticut project with other interested state DOTs and to maximize the benefits of such a big project. Therefore, the Connecticut Department of Transportation is posting a solicitation for a pooled fund study to work with other states to implement and continue improving the system. All participating states including Connecticut will benefit from the communication, information sharing and technology exchange among the member states. The pooled fund study is currently at the solicitation stage, looking for interested states to participate and contribute to the fund. The solicitation for this pooled fund study is available online at